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E. Boyarski, A. Felner, R. Stern, G. Sharon, O. Betzalel, D. Tolpin and E. Shimony. ICBS: The Improved Conflict-Based Search Algorithm for Multi-Agent Pathfinding. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS), pages 223-225, 2015.

Abstract: Conflict-Based Search (CBS) and its enhancements, Meta-Agent CBS and bypassing conflicts are amongst the strongest newly introduced algorithms for Multi-Agent Path Finding. This paper introduces two new improvements to CBS and incorporates them into a coherent, improved version of CBS, namely ICBS. Experimental results show that each of these improvements further reduces the runtime over the existing CBS-based approaches. When all improvements are combined, an even larger improvement is achieved, producing state-of-the art results for a number of domains.

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