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H. Ma. Graph-Based Multi-Robot Path Finding and Planning. Current Robotics Reports, 3, (3), 77-84, 2022.

Abstract: Purpose of Review Planning collision-free paths for multiple robots is important for real-world multi-robot systems and has been studied as an optimization problem on graphs, called multi-agent path finding (MAPF). This review surveys different categories of classic and state-of-the-art MAPF algorithms and different research attempts to tackle the challenges of generalizing MAPF techniques to real-world scenarios. Recent Findings Solving MAPF problems optimally is computationally challenging. Recent advances have resulted in MAPF algorithms that can compute collision-free paths for hundreds of robots and thousands of navigation tasks in seconds of runtime. Many variants of MAPF have been formalized to adapt MAPF techniques to different real-world requirements, such as considerations of robot kinematics, online optimization for real-time systems, and the integration of task assignment and path planning. Summary Algorithmic techniques for MAPF problems have addressed important aspects of several multi-robot applications, including automated warehouse fulfillment and sortation, automated train scheduling, and navigation of non-holonomic robots and quadcopters. This showcases their potential for real-world applications of large-scale multi-robot systems.

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