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P. Surynek. Candidate Path Selection Heuristics for Multi-Agent Path Finding: A Novel Compilation-Based Method. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), 2023.

Abstract: Multi-Agent path finding (MAPF) is a task of finding non-conflicting paths connecting agents’ specified initial and goal positions in a shared environment. We focus on compilation-based solvers in which the MAPF problem is expressed in a different well established formalism such as mixed-integer linear programming (MILP), Boolean satisfiability (SAT), or constraint programming (CP). As the target solvers for these formalisms act as black-boxes it is challenging to integrate MAPF specific heuristics in the MAPF compilation-based solvers. We show in this work how the build a MAPF encoding for the target SAT solver in which domain specific heuristic knowledge is reflected.

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